CSSBattle 16.92: Squeeze Solution
Flexbox, pseudo elements, positioning
Elements: 3 circles, 2 connected lines with 2 circle pseudo elements
Result: 100% match
1<div class="absolute-center">2 <div class="flex">3 <div class="circle"></div>4 <div class="circle"></div>5 <div class="circle"></div>6 </div>7 <div class="absolute-center flex">8 <div class="line"></div>9 <div class="line"></div>10 </div>11</div>12<style>13 body {14 margin: 0;15 background: #6592cf;16 }17 .absolute-center {18 position: absolute;19 width: auto;20 top: 50%;21 left: 50%;22 transform: translate(-50%, -50%);23 }24 .flex {25 display: flex;26 }27 .circle {28 width: 200px;29 height: 200px;30 border-radius: 100%;31 background: #243d83;32 }33 .circle:not(:first-of-type) {34 margin-left: 26px;35 }36 .line {37 position: relative;38 width: 50px;39 height: 40px;40 background: #243d83;41 }42 .line:not(:first-of-type) {43 margin-left: 176px;44 }45 .line:before {46 content: "";47 position: absolute;48 width: 31.5px;49 height: 31.5px;50 border-radius: 100%;51 background: #6592cf;52 top: 50%;53 left: 50%;54 transform: translate(-50%, -41.5px);55 }56 .line:after {57 content: "";58 position: absolute;59 width: 31.5px;60 height: 31.5px;61 border-radius: 100%;62 background: #6592cf;63 top: 50%;64 left: 50%;65 transform: translate(-50%, 10px);66 }67</style>
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CSSBattle 16.91: Reflection
Stacking, positioning
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CSSBattle 16.89: Summit
Pseudo-element, overflow, clip path