LeetCode: Keyboard Row Solution

Duck-typing make this problem less hard to implement


Create a hash table with key-value pair of character-row (eg. q->0, a->1, z-2)

Map each word's characters to the relevant rows and choose the one that only created from one row

1qsd -> 011
2asd -> 111

Use set for faster check

1qsdx -> 0112 -> Set(0, 1, 2) -> invalid
2asdf -> 1111 -> Set(1) -> valid


1var findWords = function (words) {
2 const rowChars = ["qwertyuiop", "asdfghjkl", "zxcvbnm"]
3 const charRowMap = rowChars.reduce((map, row, rowIndex) => {
4 for (const char of row) {
5 map[char] = rowIndex
6 }
7 return map
8 }, {})
10 return words.filter(word => {
11 const set = new Set()
12 for (const char of word.toLowerCase()) {
13 set.add(charRowMap[char])
14 }
15 return set.size === 1
16 })


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