LeetCode: 01 Matrix Solution

Speading from 0s

Approach: BFS

To find the nearest distance to 0 for each cell, spread from 0s to other cells

Why init with Infinity? Take a look back at find min problem

1function findMin(arr) {
2 let min = Infinity
3 for (const num of arr) {
4 min = Math.min(min, num)
5 }
6 return min

Because we don't know the possible max number will be, so set initial min to Infinity will be the safe start point


1var updateMatrix = function (mat) {
2 const [m, n] = [mat.length, mat[0].length]
3 const createCell = ([row, col]) => ({ row, col })
4 const validCell = ({ row, col }) => 0 <= row && row < m && 0 <= col && col < n
5 const dirs = [
6 [-1, 0],
7 [1, 0],
8 [0, -1],
9 [0, 1],
10 ].map(createCell)
11 const queue = []
13 // initial state
14 for (let row = 0; row < m; row++) {
15 for (let col = 0; col < n; col++) {
16 if (mat[row][col] === 0) {
17 queue.push(createCell([row, col]))
18 } else {
19 mat[row][col] = Infinity
20 }
21 }
22 }
24 // bfs traversal
25 while (queue.length > 0) {
26 const cell = queue.shift()
27 for (const delta of dirs) {
28 const row = cell.row + delta.row
29 const col = cell.col + delta.col
30 const adjCell = createCell([row, col]) // adj stands for adjacent
31 if (!validCell(adjCell)) continue
33 // maintain the min distance to nearest 0
34 if (mat[adjCell.row][adjCell.col] > mat[cell.row][cell.col] + 1) {
35 mat[adjCell.row][adjCell.col] = mat[cell.row][cell.col] + 1
36 queue.push(adjCell)
37 }
38 }
39 }
41 return mat


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LeetCode: Power of Two

Secondary or high school math, I don't remember


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