LeetCode: Best Time To Buy And Sell Stock With Transaction Fee Solution

2 * @param {number[]} prices
3 * @param {number} fee
4 * @return {number}
5 */
6// greedy
7var maxProfit = function (prices, fee) {
8 const N = prices.length
9 let res = 0
10 let min = prices[0]
11 for (let i = 1; i < N; i++) {
12 if (prices[i] < min) {
13 min = prices[i]
14 } else if (prices[i] - min - fee > 0) {
15 res += prices[i] - min - fee
16 min = prices[i] - fee
17 /**
18 * we do not make sure i is the final point for sell
19 * so we still have to consider other i
20 * minus fee here to avoid to charge fee double charge
21 * that to understand, but in real case below, it avoids wrong new min assignment
22 * for example:
23 * prices: [1, 3, 7, 5, 10, 3]
24 * fee: 3
25 *
26 * intuitively seen, we buy at prices[0] of 1 and sell at prices[4] of 10
27 * result of 6
28 *
29 * at prices[2], which is 7, we could sell, 7 - 1 - 3 = 3
30 * if that is the final sell, so prices[3], which is 5, will be new min
31 * so the result will be 3 + (10 - 5 - 3) = 5, which is not optimal
32 * so subtract fee here is to add a case for comparision
33 * if prices[3] of 5 is 3 instead, sale is made
34 * otherwise, continue, with a assurance that fee will not be recharge again
35 */
36 }
37 }
38 return res
41// dynamic programming (memoized recursion)
42var maxProfit = function (prices, fee) {
43 const N = prices.length
44 const mem = Array.from({ length: N }, _ => Array(2).fill(null))
46 const recursion = (day, toSell = false) => {
47 if (day >= N) {
48 return 0
49 }
51 if (mem[day][toSell] != null) {
52 return mem[day][toSell]
53 }
55 let [sell, buy, noop] = [0, 0, 0]
56 if (toSell) {
57 sell = recursion(day + 1, false) + prices[day] - fee
58 } else {
59 buy = recursion(day + 1, true) - prices[day]
60 }
61 noop = recursion(day + 1, toSell)
63 return (mem[day][toSell] = Math.max(buy, sell, noop))
64 }
66 return recursion(0)


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